Talk Talk - free webspace
Here's a little bit of information you may be interested in if you use Talk Talk
as your broadband supplier. As part of your contract with them, you get
15meg of free web hosting. This isn't exactly a generous amount of space - but
can come in handy if you've got a club or small business you'd like a website for,
but don't want to fork out your hard earned cash!

Your free web space (or web hosting) from Talk Talk
What is Talk Talk webspace
The free webspace from Talk Talk allows you to host a website for the world to see! The webspace you have is very
basic - there isn't any "web page builder" installed, so to get things working you will need a basic knowledge of
The 15meg allowance you're given won't allow you to run the BBC website, but a could well be enough for a small website, with a few
pages of information. It's the images which take up lots of space, so keeping
the images to a minimum will allow you to have more pages.
The name of your website
The name of your free Talk Talk webspace site is a sub-domain of Talk Talk. In English
this means your website will be called [yourname]; where [yourname] is the name you
Put it all together
The tools you need to get your Talk Talk free webspace up and running are all freely available.
So with a little perseverance and effort your webspace will soon be available for everyone to see.
- Configure your website name within the account management section your Talk Talk account. This should be something
like "my services" > "Broadband" > "Manage Webspace". The image at the top of the screen is a screen-shot of our account screen, which
may well help.
- Create your website. Notepad (which comes free with Windows is all you need to edit some basic HTML. You
may find it useful to use a HTLM template for your screen layout - see the Talk Talk Webspace example below.
- Transfer (or, to use the technical acronym FTP) your HTML onto the Talk Talk Webspace server. Filezilla is the
tool we use to FTP files.
That's it. your Talk Talk webspace is up and running. This is a very basic guise to using your Talk Talk webspace -
it may take a little perseverance to get things up and running.
Example of Talk Talk Webspace being used
As you've probably guessed, we've setup a few pages on the Talk Talk webspace! You can our own website at
The design was created using the Pure.CSS template, which makes setting up a
website much easier, as you don't need to know an awful lot of HTML to get up and running. The exact template we used was
the Pure.CSS "Marketing" template.
If you're trying to setup your own Talk Talk free webspace project, but you're spending more time crying into your keyboard than getting your
Talk Talk webhosting working, send me an email at
and I'll try to help. I wouldn't say I was a complete guru with the Talk Talk Webspace, but I have got our own site up and running.