School holiday special offers and deals
Here's a little something to help with school holidays. After years of trying to find some deals for the school holidays (and, as those of you with school age children will know - trying to get a deal in your school dates is about as likely as brewing your tea in a chocolate teapot). Nevertheless, there are a few good deals out there, it's just a pain trying to find them.
A few of the school holiday deals which have been available...

Some of the school holiday deals which has been available
All you need is the time to trawl through various websites looking for a holiday deal which will fit in when the children are off school - or, maybe a website to look for those deals for you! Now that is a good idea, a bunch of discounted holidays from different suppliers, all in one place. Yeah, alright then, you may have guessed - we've put together just such a website. The aptly named School Holiday Deals. If you're looking for a school holiday deal, may I be so bold as to suggest
School Holiday Deals is well worth a visit.
Choose from Christmas, Whitsun, Easter, Summer holidays and half term holidays...

School Holiday Deals - Christmas, Easter, Whitsun, Summer and Half Term
Holiday parks and lodges, cottage and package holidays
We're currently featuring cottages holiday parks and lodges, cottage and package holidays on School Holiday Deals. With each school holiday getting a mention:
Christmas and the longer
Summer Holidays. As well as the various
Half Term Holidays. The idea being that you choose the school holiday you're looking to book your holiday, and simply see a selection of holidays in the date range which currently have some money off.
You may be only interested in one particular holiday type - that's no problem either. Just "tick" the box of the holiday type you're after.
Choose your holiday type to find those school holiday deals

Choose your holiday type - parks & lodges, cottages and package holidays
Just find your holiday
That's it really. Once you've found a holiday which takes your fancy, simply click on "find out more", and you'll be whisked off to the provider of the holiday to see if that holiday fits your needs.
I hope you find School Holiday Deals of some use. As always, if you've got any questions or comments, send me an email to - or pop a comment in the box below.