We've been talked about!
It's always nice to be talked about in the media, so we've dedicated a page to the various mentions Internet Affiliation Ltd
has received.
In the Eastern Daily Press, National Family Business Awards

We've been nominated for an award in the "National Family Business Awards". This nomination has given us a mention
in the
EDP Business newspaper.
Small Business of the Week - #smallbusinessoftheweek

We've won an award! Nick Brown (BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine's business expert) has presented us his small business of the week award. It's always
good to get be recognized, so we're very pleased indeed with this award.
We love The Guardian, and not just because we've had three mentions! You can find
out more about Nick Brown's Small Business of the Week.
In The Guardian

We love The Guardian, and not just because we've had three mentions! You can find
the articles on The Guardian website here :
- Marketing and PR excellence
- Home Business Innovation
- Smarter Working
On Associate Programs

We were asked to be interviewed for the online magazine "Associate Programs". If you want to know what we had to say have a little look at the
article about our
travel websites.
Are you interested in what we do?
If you're interested in what we do, or want any comments for an article you're putting together, drop me an email on
john@ial.world; or via Twitter on
There is a whole host of information on various subjects you may be interested in from us, but to give you an idea of the type of things
we can help with, how about:
- Running a small business
- Working from home - and integrating with family life
- The joys of having an online business
- Flexible working
- The joys of accounting for your small business - VAT and corporation tax
- Living and working in sunny Lowestoft, Suffolk
- Search Engine Optimisation
- Anything else - let me know, and I'll see if I can help (I'm sure I can!)